Get in touch!

Opening Hours:

10am to 5pm (daylight savings hours) 4pm all other times.

The Esplanade, St Kilda VIC 3182

03 9209 6777


Postal Address:
The City of Port Phillip,
Private Bag 3,
St Kilda VIC 3182

*Opening and closing times are subject to the weather forecast and may change without notice.

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Complete our 2min survey

We'd love to hear about your recent experience. Your valuable feedback helps us understand the impact of the St Kilda Esplanade Market in the City of Port Phillip and to plan for the future. This survey will take 2 minutes to complete, and your answers can remain completely anonymous.

Want to trade with us?

Please submit an application via Become a stallholder.

Have questions?

Find answers with our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).